Bienvenue à Liste de cadeaux pendaison de crémaillère de

Vanessa Ramalho

28 août 2022
I found the perfect house for me and the kids! I am starting completely over... this time on my own. We don't have anything at the moment, and the majority of my savings is going toward some safety related repairs on the house. I know we can do this... but we meed some help. Help me turn this beautiful house into a home by purchasing an item from our registry.

You’ll find that the registry is separated into the following categories:

1. Absolutely Need: Items we really need in order to move in and live in the house
2. Make House Safe for Babies: Items that will tend to the safety and health of the babies
3. Make the House Pretty: Items that will beautify our home
4. Bless the Babies: Items that would make the babies really happy
5. Small Nice to Haves: Things that I’ll need to get at some point but aren’t crucial to moving in
6. Make Dreams Come True: Things that would bring joy, comfort, and fun to our home

There are also two cash funds available… one to help support the purchase of a couch (because they are quite expensive) and another to support further repairs that I will need to make in the near to far future.

We are so very grateful for your support!

With love,
Vous remarquerez que Vanessa a ajouté des cadeaux de Target, Amazon, Wayfair, and Home Depot. C'est la beauté d'avoir une liste de cadeaux sur, nos membres peuvent ajouter des articles de littéralement n'importe quel magasin!
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