Bienvenue à Liste de cadeaux de

Joseph Blackburn

Dear friends,

To purchase a gift for me (Fr. Joseph Blackburn) the page will direct you in the following steps:

1. Click on the item that you are interested in purchasing.
2. Myregistry will take you to the store website.
2. Purchase the item and, on the store website, input Fr. Joseph's shipping address: 231 9th Avenue North, Texas City, TX 77590
4. Myregistry will send you a link to mark the gift as purchased

If you have any issues and need to get in touch feel free to email me:
Thank you very much for your generosity! Thank you especially for your prayers.

I call myself old fashioned, but I really like cards and writing to people (though I may be late responding) so if you would just like to write me a card, I would be very happy to receive it and write you back. Just use the shipping address above.

In Christ,
Dcn. Joseph Blackburn
Vous remarquerez que Joseph a ajouté des cadeaux de Amazon, mais nos membres peuvent ajouter des éléments à partir de littéralement n'importe quel magasin! C'est la beauté d'avoir un universel liste de cadeaux sur
Vous trouvez quelque chose de sympa? Cliquez sur ACHETER CE CADEAU, et ne vous inquiétez pas si vous êtes redirigé vers un autre site. Il suffit de mettre l'article dans votre panier et de valider!
Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000