Bienvenue à Liste de cadeaux anniversaire de

Dana Brock

7 novembre 2021
Hey it’s Dana. If you are seeing this you are probably here to buy me something for my birthday or see my wish list for ideas. I made this registry 99 days before my birthday so everyone has time and no one has to rush. Everything here will either be for personal use, entertainment, or etc. If everything is already bought don’t worry I will be adding things over time. If you would rather send me money my cash app is $blondebaby223. You do not have to get me a gift if you do not want to or you simply can not. If you would like you could also get me something not added in here, anything you get will be loved and appreciated. I made this because it might be the last time I get presents because will will be 18, no longer a ‘kid’. So to anyone seeing this thank you for being on a part of my journey to reaching 18. Thank you all and love you all.
Vous remarquerez que Dana a ajouté des cadeaux de Amazon, mais nos membres peuvent ajouter des éléments à partir de littéralement n'importe quel magasin! C'est la beauté d'avoir un universel liste de cadeaux sur
Vous trouvez quelque chose de sympa? Cliquez sur ACHETER CE CADEAU, et ne vous inquiétez pas si vous êtes redirigé vers un autre site. Il suffit de mettre l'article dans votre panier et de valider!
Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000