Bienvenue à Liste de cadeaux anniversaire de

Charlotte Barrett

12 février 2023
Hi friends & family of Charlotte!
We have carefully created this wishlist for Charlotte's upcoming 1st Birthday to help those gifting to Charlotte chose meaningful, needed & where-possible, clutter-less gifts. We have chosen items that we know she either needs now or will need in the next year or so of her growth & we have chosen experiences that we know she will love doing or places that she already loves going… like swimming!

Please use this as a guide & mark the gift - or a similar gift you may already have - as purchased (purely to avoid receiving doubles) by clicking on the gift once purchased, even if you don't purchase it from the website/store that we have linked & follow the prompts. Please note you are not restricted to purchasing through this website.
Please respect our choice of colours on particular items & please know that this will be the only suggestions handed out, this has also been updated since Christmas.
If there is something that isn't on this list that you are thinking of getting her, please let us know so that we can let you know if she may already have it.

And at the end of the day, what matters the most is the quality of the time you spend with her, the memories that are made & the love she receives from you.

Much love,
The Bruncans
Vous remarquerez que Charlotte a ajouté des cadeaux de, mais nos membres peuvent ajouter des éléments à partir de littéralement n'importe quel magasin! C'est la beauté d'avoir un universel liste de cadeaux sur
Vous trouvez quelque chose de sympa? Cliquez sur ACHETER CE CADEAU, et ne vous inquiétez pas si vous êtes redirigé vers un autre site. Il suffit de mettre l'article dans votre panier et de valider!
Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000