Joslyn and Kibwe are two fun loving, energetic and vibrant personalities. Joslyn hails from Louisiana and Kibwe is from Trinidad and Tobago. Joslyn is known for her participation in the hit show America's Next Top Model. Kibwe is a former professional basketball player. Together they run a non-profit foundation called The DreamChaser International Foundation and they also run a social networking company called L.A. Lime. Kibwe and Joslyn met at the Parlor on Melrose. People say it was love at first sight but we prefer to say that it was love at first HEIGHT! Joslyn and Kibwe spotted each other effortlessly at this hip bar because they both stood head and shoulders above any of the other patrons in attendance. It was actually a stranger that brought them together when she was determined to take a photograph with these two extremely tall good looking people. She managed to get a picture with the both of them and disappeared leaving them to begin their never ending journey of love!
When and where was your first date?
Kibwe and Joslyn's first date was an amazing and scenic hike at the beautiful Eaton Canyon.
How and where did the proposal go down?
Kibwe proposed privately at home over a candle light dinner but then publicly proposed at a Friends-giving gathering with all of Joslyn's close friends present.
What are your nicknames for each other?
Kibwe refers to Joslyn as his Queen and Sweetheart, and Joslyn refers to Kibwe as her "Knight in Shining Armor".