Bienvenue à Liste de mariage de

Yui Mizuno Alex Chan

11 juillet 2021
Invitation to Our Virtual Wedding

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for being an important part of our lives! We hope you can share together with us one of our most exciting moments - our wedding ceremony!

In this season of preparation, we have seen God's goodness and grace displayed in so many ways. Though our wedding decorations and physical guest list will not be exactly as we imagined it due to present circumstances, we are blessed to have been able to spend more time being spiritually ready for marriage (special thanks to Pastor Kohei for your patience and commitment in doing Marriage counselling with us, and for Hiro and Hiromi for always mentoring us!). We're so thankful for all your prayers and support.

If God opens the door, our current plan is for Yui to move to Canada at the beginning of June and have a small wedding on July 11th in Vancouver, Canada.

Please let us know if you have any prayer needs, and we appreciate your prayers over our marriage!

We will be sending an update as the date approaches. In the meantime, we hope you are all staying healthy and doing well. See you soon :)

Alex & Yui
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