Bienvenue à Liste de mariage de

Ivan McGinnis Cate McGinnis

18 avril 2021
Thanks so much for stopping by! We couldn't be more excited for this big day. To celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you. We wish that the world wasn't so separated in this season, but we are so grateful to have the ability to include you all through the internet! Although our guest list needs to remain minimal, we have created this website for everyone! We have loved sharing our journey with friends and family across the world and we want to make sure we continue to do so as we begin our lives being the McGinnis family.
Thank you all for walking alongside us as our family, our friends, and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our love goes out to America, Australia, Canada, Europe, and Asia as we think about different loved ones who are fanned out across the world. We bless you from Switzerland! We welcome you all to pray for us and think of us as we freshly launch into married life.
Please enjoy this website, and take time to check out everything on it! See you soon!

With love,
Ivan and Cate
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