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Youth Unlimited

Our young mom’s program provides help and hope for young parents from pregnancy to early childhood development. We offer these support programs for teens up to age 25. We believe in the potential of every young parent to become a transformative presence in their home. Our Prenatal Classes for young expectant moms and their support person give an opportunity to learn about the pregnancy experience, starting from conception to newborn care. Each week the young mom receives small gifts that are relevant to the topic covered that class. As well they receive a gift for their baby and a $25 gift card to Walmart to help them purchase needed items for their baby. We also keep our Baby Boutique stocked with diapers, wipes and clothing for their babies. Please help us bless these young women by keeping our Baby Boutique stocked with diapers and providing prenatal giveaways.
Vous remarquerez que Youth Unlimited a ajouté des cadeaux de Walmart Canada and C'est la beauté d'avoir liste de cadeaux sur, nos membres peuvent ajouter des articles de littéralement n'importe quel magasin!
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