Donations of food and personal care items are critically needed to support distributions to Share clients. Food/personal care needs have increased during this time of increased unemployment, loss of in-school/weekend meal support for students, and for clients who are sheltering-in-place. Food donations are down due to the cancellation of food drives and closure of food/personal care collection sites.
Please this shopping list to replenish our stock of frequently requested items. This list is limited to easily shippable items.
Please see for other donation options and a complete list of requested donations.
You’ll notice that Share Of McLean has added items from
Amazon, Walmart, Costco, and Target. That’s the beauty of having wish list at—our members can add items from literally any store!
To make a contribution, click VIEW OR BUY beneath any item, and don't worry if you're redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
Need help? Reach us 7 days a week via Live Chat or by calling 201.886.1000