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Project Patriot

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For those of you who grew up in and around Sterling Park, you know that it was a tight-knit community that revolved around supporting the local kids in sports, academics, and the arts.
We all grew up eagerly anticipating our turn at being Park View Patriots. That spirit and enthusiasm still flourish at our alma mater. However, while Loudoun County has become one of the wealthiest counties in the nation, currently Park View struggles to maintain the most basic essentials in the classroom and in extra curricular activities. Access and materials that we took for granted are no longer promised to the current student body.
And so with our 40+ years of alumni, we are working together to provide support and opportunity for our hometown kids. Lets show them how much we value all the gifts and talents they have to offer, and re team with one another for a great cause.
I personally am so grateful that I was raised to be "Sterling Strong". Whether you still live in the area or you have moved far away, I hope you carry that same pride in your heart.
Go Patriots!
Hilarie Burton
Class of 2000
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