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Playtime Project

lunes, mayo 06, 2024
The mission of Playtime Project is to cultivate resilience in children experiencing family housing insecurity by providing and expanding access to transformative play experiences. We do this by creating ongoing play opportunities that nurture healthy child development; challenging systemic injustice by advocating for policies and practices that reduce the risk of chronic homelessness; and connecting families with critical support services and supplies in the community to meet their concrete needs.

Playtime staff set up play spaces at shelter-based and community-based sites with developmentally appropriate toys and activities, to help children experiencing homelessness build resiliency and nurture their healthy social, emotional, and physical development. We recruit and train 150 volunteers each year; dozens make at least a three-month, weekly commitment to help guide play for children at our sites. Playtime has developed a research- and best practice-based curriculum, including a mix of free and structured play activities, that guides staff and volunteers in their interactions with children. Playtime’s curriculum also includes monthly field trips or special guests.

Playtime also provides case management services for families who have left the shelter and are trying to set up new homes in subsidized apartments. Families receive grocery store gift cards, and move-out supplies, and fresh toys. In addition, families receive crucial information, like the name and contact information for their child’s school’s homeless liaison, and if needed, intensive case management like linkages to physical and mental health care and victims’ assistance programs, transportation assistance, and help accessing assessments for children.

Your gifts help provide ongoing play and positive activities for children living in family shelters and facing housing insecurity throughout the year. Thank you for your interest in giving the gift of play!
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