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Nurturing Roots

Nurturing Roots is a vibrant urban farm located in Beacon Hill, WA. Since its establishment in 2016, Nurturing Roots has provided space for connection by hosting community farming programs such as volunteer days and outreach events.

We are committed to being a place where people can root themselves, and provide tools to foster those roots to grow. Nurturing Roots offers healing through educational programs that help those take control of their food system. We believe health education and urban farms aid in healing disenfranchised communities. We offer a space to feel grounded, resources for sharing, and workshops that educate those to meet the needs of the families, educators, volunteers and program participants we engage with.

Individuals from marginalized communities face systematic challenges that
pose a threat to overall health and well-being. We are committed to changing that by providing a safe place to learn, thrive and restore.

A once weeded backdrop in Beacon Hill has slowly became a haven for connections, and healing among or community youth, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+folks. At Nurturing Roots, we are committed to providing a welcoming space for
you to access sustainable food, sustainable knowledge, and community.

We believe in the power of sustainable food knowledge to help you nurture your roots.

Your contribution to Nurturing Roots supports our goals of:

-Land & Environmental Stewardship
-Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
-Land & Food Sovereignty
-Anti Racism
-Cooperative Economics
-Healing & Social Justice
-Informed Food Empowerment

Thank you!
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