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New Birth - School Sneakers

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, GA seeks to continuously be a place our community and beyond can trust for not only spiritual growth needs, but also those unplanned moments life can bring. We are a local church making a global impact.

Each year New Birth endeavors to assist families in preparing their students to return to school. For the 2023-2024 school year, New Birth is hosting a shoe giveaway with the goal of providing brand new shoes to 2,000 children. Your assistance towards this goal is greatly appreciated.

Your shoe purchase will be delivered directly to New Birth and will be given to a student in need. If we can answer any questions for you, give us a call Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM at 770-696-9600.

We cannot reach our goal without wonderful partners like you! Thank you for stopping by!

New Birth's Back to School Shoe Giveaway Planning Team
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Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000