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Eloheh Ag & Learning Center — Eloheh Ag & Learning Center

Thanks for supporting Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice and Eloheh Farm & Seeds! Eloheh/Eagle's Wings in a non-profit 501(c)3: 88-0427856. “Eloheh” (pronounced Ay-luh-hay) is a Cherokee Indian word meaning harmony, wholeness, abundance, and peace. To fulfill our mission to live in harmony with the land, we teach lifeways using North American traditional Indigenous knowledge (TIK), wisdom and practices as a guiding model. We have created a center that embodies educating our whole selves including mind, spirit, and body within a whole eco-system. Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice focuses on decolonizing and Indigenizing and developing, implementing, and teaching sustainable and regenerative earth practices. Eloheh Farm & Seeds seeks to be a model of regenerative agricultural, animal husbandry, and wild-tending systems that support human needs while improving the earth and all creation inhabiting the web of life.
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