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Christmas in Walnut — Christmas In Walnut

sábado, diciembre 09, 2023
This year, Christmas in Walnut is partnering with Love INC, along with other partner churches, to organize the annual Christmas Store at the Waterloo Boys & Girls Club the morning of December 9th. With your assistance, the Christmas Store will be stocked with gifts and toys that are donated. The gifts will not be given but will be sold at a 75-80% discount. This allows parents the opportunity to shop for their own children this Christmas. We believe the power of exchange helps affirm dignity, empowers parents, and builds capacity and community. By partnering with Love INC and other churches offering similar Christmas stores, our goal is to work together cohesively in the community to offer shopping opportunities for people who could use assistance in this year’s Christmas budget. Our store, Christmas in Walnut, will provide around 250 tickets for shoppers this year.
Notarás que Christmas in Walnut tiene agregaron regalos de Target, Amazon, and Walmart. Esa es la belleza de tener lista de deseos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
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