Welcome to the Gift List of

CAS Kitten Shower

Saturday, March 16, 2024
Join us for our first Clovis Animal Services "Kitten Shower" where you can learn more about how we care for homeless kittens during "kitten season" and how you can help!

There will be fun kitten themed activities and finger foods, plus you'll get to meet some current fosters - and cuddle with their foster kittens - to learn more about how you can become a foster!

This kitten shower registry is a list of just some of the most needed supplies that we use and provide to our kitten foster care volunteers.
You’ll notice that CAS Kitten Shower has added items from Amazon, but our members can add items from literally any store! That’s the beauty of having a universal wish list at MyRegistry.com.
To make a contribution, click VIEW OR BUY beneath any item, and don't worry if you're redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
Need help? Reach us 7 days a week via Live Chat or by calling 201.886.1000