Bienvenido a la Lista de regalos de

Broadway Campus Ministry — Atlas Campus Fellowship

domingo, agosto 01, 2021
Welcome friends and family of Broadway's historic campus ministry!

We are forever grateful for the many and various ways you have been part of God's mission to Texas Tech through the years--whether it was in the Bible Chair, Campus Advance, Christ in Action, and now Atlas Campus Fellowship! God has truly been faithful!

This is an opportunity to continue investing in reaching the lost and directionless college students of Lubbock by purchasing equipment to make our newly renovated campus center as hospitable as possible to wandering souls and restless hearts.

In this registry you'll find various items needed for our kitchen and for our coffee bar / living room area. Each purchase you make--whether it be for something as small as a coffee cup or as big as a set of pots and pans--will help not only fill a belly but guide a young person closer to Christ in their adventure with God.

If you have any questions, please contact us through this website and we'll get back to you ASAP!

God's blessings on you!
Notarás que Broadway Campus Ministry tiene agregaron regalos de Amazon, Walmart, and Target. Esa es la belleza de tener lista de deseos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
Para hacer una contribución, haz clic en VER O COMPRAR debajo de cualquier artículo, y no te preocupes si eres redirigido a otro sitio. ¡Sólo pon el artículo en tu carrito y compruébalo!
¿Necesitas ayuda? Contacte con nosotros 7 días a la semana a través de chat en vivo o llamando a 201.886.1000