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Borgia Grade School — 2022 Dinner Auction

1 octobre 2022
We are excited for our upcoming Knightmare on Cedar Street dinner auction, which will take place on Saturday, October 1, 2022. This event is one of St. Francis Borgia Grade School's most significant fundraisers that directly supports our students and school community.

We ask and encourage all of our school families to support the dinner auction in some manner. Our success depends on the generous support of everyone in our parish and school community. We hope you consider donating a gift certificate or item to our silent or live auctions. Thank you for your generous support!

The goal of this wish list is to give ideas for our live and silent auction. We strongly encourage you to purchase locally when possible. Please mark off the item you purchased from the registry by clicking "I bought this gift already."

Thank you for your consideration and support!
Vous remarquerez que Borgia Grade School a ajouté des cadeaux de Amazon, mais nos membres peuvent ajouter des éléments à partir de littéralement n'importe quel magasin! C'est la beauté d'avoir un universel liste de cadeaux sur
Pour apporter une contribution, cliquez sur VOIR OU ACHETER sous n'importe quel article, et ne vous inquiétez pas si vous êtes redirigé vers un autre site. Il suffit de mettre l'article dans votre panier et de valider!
Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000