Welcome to the Gift List of


When you give to equip teachers, you impact the lives of thousands of Togolese children. With your help, we can give dedicated educators the tools to make a brighter future for Togo and for eternity.
** We would like all items to be bought by April 30th so they can be organized and shipped to Togo by the end of May**

** When you order, please use the following address for shipping:
Christy Etsrou
2223 Jamison Dr.
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

If you have any questions, please contact Christy at csopcisak@fim.org.
You’ll notice that ASEL has added items from Amazon, but our members can add items from literally any store! That’s the beauty of having a universal wish list at MyRegistry.com.
To make a contribution, click VIEW OR BUY beneath any item, and don't worry if you're redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
Need help? Reach us 7 days a week via Live Chat or by calling 201.886.1000