Bienvenue à Liste de naissance de

Melissa Kelly Patrick Kelly

2 octobre 2022
Thank you so much for being apart of this wonderful journey with us! We cannot to wait to meet our little one.

A note on how to use myregistry so that the gift is marked as purchased and we don't receive duplicates:

"When you find an item you would like to purchase, click the button to BUY NOW. Clicking to purchase an item will redirect you to the store to complete the order. Upon completing your purchase, you will notice the registry remains open in a separate window asking Did you buy this gift?. By answering "Yes" to this question the item will instantly be marked as received on the registry."

If you purchase a gift at a store or a site other than the one listed:

"To mark an item as purchased, your guests click the BUY button underneath the item. Then select I bought this gift already and proceed with the prompts that follow. There will be an option to note the gift as purchased In a Store (not online)."

Much love,
Melissa & Patrick
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