Bienvenue à Liste de naissance de

Farishta Karwani Joseph Pettigrew

24 août 2023
Hello to all of our wonderful family and friends!

Hopefully the little video of Leo waving hello made you smile like it did us :)

We can’t wait to celebrate the arrival of baby Leo, he is lucky to be so loved already and we can't wait for all of you to meet the little one.

As this is baby number 2 we are quite lucky and still have a lot from the first time round, with that being said it is a little boy this time and there are few things that we will need.

Ultimately we are super grateful for you all and happy to have you be here to celebrate with us. However, If you did want to get something for baby Leo, please have a look at the registry and see if anything takes your fancy or alternatively add to his little fund.

Please do take time to sign Leo's guest book and leave a little message or video so we can show him when he's older.

Much love,
Farishta & Joe xxx
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