Bienvenue à Liste de naissance de

Emily Bennini Flavio Bennini

31 mars 2022
Hello friends and family!
Thank you for joining us on this incredible ride! We are doing this a bit unconventionally but hopefully, it will go smoothly!
Instead of struggling to interpret French websites that often do not let non-French residents pay or ship to Monaco - we have devised a plan of cash gifts.
You can choose what gift you would like to put money towards (all or just a bit!) and once it is fully funded we will purchase said gift!!
Also, when possible we will include the links to items so if you are a brave soul can order directly from the website and send it to us. Please give us a heads up when you have ordered so we can remove it from the cash funds list!
We cannot wait to celebrate our little boy with you!!

Much love,
Emily & Flavio
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Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000