Bienvenue à Liste de naissance de

Amanda Rassam Roberto Paez

20 août 2022
Welcome to our Registry!

Here are a few notes to help you support us during this time, we are so grateful for your love and support:

    ⁃    for clothes, please buy organic cotton and avoid anything with words or gender-specific indications (ie “I’m going to be a football player!” Or “little prince”, etc)
    ⁃    There are disposable diapers in the registry, but we are willing to try organic cloth diapers!
    ⁃    Blue clothes are nice, and so are other colours!
    ⁃    Sizes of all kinds will be used! (Newborn, 0-3 mo, 3-6 mo, 6-9 mo or 12 mo)

    ⁃    for toys, Wood Montessori toys (please avoid plastic)
    ⁃    No iPads or screens of any kind
    ⁃    Montessori books only (please no hand me down books, though a very thoughtful gesture, they are often dated and we are mindful of content)

    ⁃    organic, natural, no synthetic fragrance
    ⁃    Belly & nipple butter (Amazon registry)
    ⁃    Loop earplugs (Amazon registry)
    ⁃    House cleaner & Nanny fund $ - Can be found here within the registry.

Much love,
Amanda & Roberto
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Besoin d'aide? Contactez-nous 7 jours sur 7 via le chat en direct ou en appelant 201.886.1000