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Autumn Snider

Hello! I want to say thank you in advance for considering a gift for my graduation from UNT. I’m really asking for either money or play scripts (to which the latter is why I made this registry). The money I would prefer in order for me to start paying my student loans off and to possibly set up a house deposit/first month’s rent for when my lease ends this November. I’ve outgrown my apartment for a while now and there just isn’t an apartment complex that’s both bigger, and allows my dogs due to their breeds (pit bull and German Shepard). Thank you again for anything you consider gifting, and if you are wanting to send money, please send a check to my address: 1710 Sam Bass Blvd, Apt. 1003, Denton, TX 76205
Notarás que Autumn tiene agregaron regalos de Amazon, pero nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente ¡Cualquier tienda! Esa es la belleza de tener una tienda universal lista de regalos en
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