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Awaken - Communities United to End Sex Trafficking — Non Profit

Thank you for helping us turn the new Awaken house into a true home!

This life-changing program will provide women who have survived lives of violence, sexual exploitation, and addiction with a supportive community and healing environment.

Your gift will make a big impact, offering comfort, joy and encouragement to residents of the home. Through support like yours, women who were once told who they are, will be given the chance to find their own identity and reclaim the lives that were once stolen from them.

Thank you again for supporting this exciting program!

Questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to reach us at:

To ensure client safety and privacy, we can’t share the address of our home but, all items can be shipped to The Bridge Church in Reno, Nevada.

Please keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes.
Notarás que Awaken - Communities United to End Sex Trafficking tiene agregaron regalos de Amazon, Target, Wayfair, and Home Depot. Esa es la belleza de tener lista de deseos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
Para hacer una contribución, haz clic en VER O COMPRAR debajo de cualquier artículo, y no te preocupes si eres redirigido a otro sitio. ¡Sólo pon el artículo en tu carrito y compruébalo!
¿Necesitas ayuda? Contacte con nosotros 7 días a la semana a través de chat en vivo o llamando a 201.886.1000