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Aiden`s Light

I can't believe Aiden would be turning 6 this month. He would be getting ready to go to first grade. What would he be like? What would he be interested in? These questions run through my mind on a regular basis. One thing I know is his dad and I would be taking him school shopping to make sure he had everything he needed to start off the school year prepared.

Help us make sure that other children can do the same thing by supporting our school supply drive in honor of Aiden's 6th birthday. All school supplies will be donated directly to Charity Kings for their annual Back-To-School Giveaway. Charity Kings is a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to supporting the people of Asbury Park, NJ.

If you would prefer to donate a cash gift, you can do so directly through our website,

Thank you in advance for your support in helping ensure that ALL children are set up for success! This drive will end on August 30th, Aiden's 6th birthday.

Aiden's Mom
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