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Create a Pet Wish List or Gift Registry

Add gifts to your Pet Wish List or Gift Registry from any store in the world. Create one today!

6-20 caractères
Get Started
Already have a account? Create a Pet Wish List or Gift Registry and add items from your favorite store usingour browser button or the mobile app!
Maybe you recently got a new puppy or a new kitten, or maybe you plan to throw your dog, cat, or other companion a pet birthday party.Whatever your reason for celebrating your pet, it's easy to create a Pet Wish List or Pet Gift Registry at at and add everything your favorite fur baby needs to one convenient gift list.
If you're affiliated with a pet adoption center or pet rescue and want to create a Wish List foreverything your organization needs, you can also benefit from using a FREE Universal Wish List and add one or more cash gift funds to support your initiatives.
You can also use the “Add to MyRegistry” Button to request pet food and other pet supplies.Your Wish List can be displayed on your website, and you can even share yourcustom Wish List URL with potential contributors so they can access it directly.
To create an Organization/Nonprofit account at, click here.
Standard PayPal® processing fees apply on all transactions
Looking for Pet Wish List ideas? Here are a few favorites: