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Create a Housewarming Gift List or Gift Registry

Add gifts to your Housewarming Gift List or Gift Registry from any store in the world. Create one today!

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Already have a account? Create a Housewarming Gift List or Registry to share with friends and family. Add items using our browser button or the mobile app!
When you move into a new home, friends and family will undoubtedly want to bring you housewarming gifts. Rather than leaving those gifts to chance, guide your loved ones to the things you really want and need with a Housewarming Gift List or Gift Registry at
It’s the ideal way to add everything on your home shopping list to one convenient gift list and avoid getting multiples of the same thing—or worse—a membership to some obscure gift-of-the-month club.
Don’t need any more “stuff”? You can also start a cash gift fund to pay for those cooking lessons you’ve been dreaming about or that massage therapist who can work out all those unpacking kinks.
Looking for Housewarming Gift List gift ideas? Here are a few favorite gifts for new and first homes: