Welcome to the Gift List of

Munjeeta Sohal

I can't actually believe it's my 40th this year... but since it is I am going to take the opportunity to start pretending I'm an actual grown up.

I have been in my current house for three years, and my wonderful housemate is moving out (along with all her lovely things!) and so it feels like a good time to nest. I realise a lot of these things are fairly boring, but honestly they don't feel boring to me!

I will also be qualifying as a therapist this year, so it feels fairly momentous and I would like to set up a space at home that feels appropriately therapy-y for my online clients.

If you feel inclined, please have a look at what's on the list and either purchase something directly, or add an amount that feels comfortable to you to my gift fund. Whatever you gift will be truly appreciated.

Much love always,

You’ll notice that Munjeeta has added items from Amazon.co.uk, but our members can add items from literally any store! That’s the beauty of having a universal registry at MyRegistry.com.
Spot something nice? Click BUY THIS GIFT, and don’t worry if you’re redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
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