Welcome to the Gift List of

Madison Cox

This is my Wishlist full of everything I want. Please do not be overwhelmed by the amount of items here, this is where I store everything I want that I would purchase for myself. If you are here for gift ideas/Christmas/birthday, you can pick the category favorites to see what I really want. Here's just a breakdown of the categories.

- Clothing: Just clothing items I want, there may be multiple colors and alot of items to pick from. this is my Wishlist dump, it you want to know what I really want as far as clothing please sort by favorites.

- Household items: Generally a personal Wishlist for me to keep track of my household items I want to purchase.

- Double Digit: Expensive stuff I like a lot but only deem worthy of purchasing after I obtain a double digit figure lol

- Accessories: Stylish items that I like

- Will repurchase: I have already purchased this item and I will purchase again when I don't have anymore
You’ll notice that Madison has added items from Amazon and Walmart. That’s the beauty of having a registry at MyRegistry.com—our members can add items from literally any store!
Spot something nice? Click BUY THIS GIFT, and don’t worry if you’re redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
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