Welcome to the Wedding Registry of
Matilde van Niekerk
Adrian Freemantle
Thanks so much for stopping by! We couldn't be more excited for our big day and to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you. Your company on our wedding day is the greatest gift of all. However, should you wish to honour us with a gift, this site contains a few items that we would like. Some of the bigger ticket items were listed for those who would perhaps like to buy a gift together as a group. Alternatively, we would also greatly appreciate a contribution towards our honeymoon fund at:
ABSA: 4080141860
Much love,
Matilde & Adrian
At MyRegistry.com, gifts can be added from literally anywhere.
Spot something nice? Click BUY THIS GIFT, and don’t worry if you’re redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
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