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Natalie Norris

Hello, Friend!

Thank you so much for being a part of my journey through college! I am SO excited to graduate and transition into my adult life!

More about my time at Western Washington University:

I started at Western in 2020, online from my bedroom at home! There were a lot of mornings where I set my alarm to 9:55 and rolled out of bed to open my laptop before class started at 10. I was considering the Design major that was offered, but that would soon change.

My Sophomore year was much more exciting! I moved in to Nash hall on campus, and I started to get involved at the community at Western. I absolutely loved my computer science class that I took in the fall, and decided on becoming a CS Major! I became best friends with my roommate Patty, joined a few computer science clubs, and joined the Nash Hall Council. In our hall of the year competition, we placed second!

My Junior year I moved to Nash's sister dorm Mathes, and joined the Hall Council again. As the president of the hall council, I led our team to host lots of fun events throughout the year, and we got first place in hall of the year! I was also awarded the MVP award for Mathes by my advisor. I became an officer for the CS clubs that I had joined, and got into the Computer Science major! At the CS department picnic that year, I was awarded the 2022-23 Computer Science Department Student Citizenship award, which was awarded to me by my professors and peers.

My senior year I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend Parker! I was swimming in CS classes, leading clubs, and helping to host a major event on campus, the Craft Fair, where I worked with a campus organization to put on every quarter. In spring quarter, we had over 40 wonderful student vendors sell their items in Red Square, the heart of our campus. I sold my crochet plushies and had so much fun!

Again, thank you so much for being a part of my journey! Your generosity is helping to make this a time to remember.

Much love,
Natalie <3
Notarás que Natalie tiene agregaron regalos de Target, Amazon,, and Walmart. Esa es la belleza de tener una lista de regalos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
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