Bienvenue à Liste de naissance de
Taylor LaPorte
Conor MacKeigan
We were absolutely spoiled rotten by our friends and family with Beckett, and we’re so lucky that he’s able to pass down so many of the beautiful gifts we received to his little brother (who is temporarily, but very lovingly, referred to as Cletus the Fetus until an official name is selected).
We’ve created a registry in case anyone wants to know what’s on our radar for baby. It’s a mostly practical list, replacing some things that can’t be handed down, a few items suited to the nursery jungle theme, and a couple of necessities.
There is also a focus on some recovery supplies and personal items so I don’t wind up in the hospital woefully underprepared, naked, and bleeding into a puppy pee pad for two days! Safe to say we learned some very important lessons from our first hospital stint.
Mostly, though, we just hope we get to celebrate with the people we love.
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