Bienvenido a la Lista de regalos para bebé de

Susan Wright Max Wright

domingo, junio 25, 2023
Welcome, family and friends!

We are over the moon as we anticipate the birth of this little baby! We know they are so loved already. Thank you for already being a part of their life!

As we prepare ourselves for this (major!) change, we've made this list to keep ourselves organized and so everyone can see what we've already taken care of. Feel free to purchase an item from the retailer of your choice rather than the ones linked here! If there is an item you would like to call "dibs" on, please check the "I've Purchased This" box on the item (even if you haven't bought it yet), or let us know and we can do that for you!

Finally, we would like to recommend Good Buy Gear - this is a great place to find many of the items on our registry for a reduced price, often for simply being from an "Open Box." We are 100% on board with the world of hand-me-downs, so if you are interested, here is the website:

Thank you again for all of your love! We cannot wait to introduce our baby to the incredible community around them : )

Much love,
Susan & Max
Notarás que Susan & Max tienen agregaron regalos de Amazon, Target, and West Elm. Esa es la belleza de tener una lista de regalos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
¿Viste algo bueno? Haz clic en COMPRAR ESTE REGALO, y no te preocupes si eres redirigido a otro sitio. ¡Sólo pon el artículo en tu carrito y compruébalo!
¿Necesitas ayuda? Contacte con nosotros 7 días a la semana a través de chat en vivo o llamando a 201.886.1000