Bienvenido a la Lista de regalos de cumpleaños de

Lisa Munkvold

domingo, diciembre 11, 2022
Hi there,

Lisa is turning 40 years old this December 11th. She is a kind and generous person. She is the type of person who will show up for you, whatever or whenever the need may be.

This year I am calling out into the Universe, for all of those lives she has touched with her smile and giving spirit to show up for her in a big way to celebrate 40 years of this wonderful person spreading warmth and kindness everywhere she goes.

She would never ask for anything for herself. Getting her to think of a wish list was like pulling wisdom teeth. My oldest daughter and I put together some items we know she would like. It includes a travel fund and kitchen gadgets that need replacing due to broken parts or just not functioning anymore, among other things.

So I am being her shameless advocate. She is a great person and deserves to be seen and celebrated.

Thank you,

Her Husband, Andres Salazar
Notarás que Lisa tiene agregaron regalos de Amazon, Sur La Table, and Target. Esa es la belleza de tener una lista de regalos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
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