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TimberCreek Ranch — Furniture and Appliances

domingo, diciembre 25, 2022
TimberCreek Ranch Mission Statement
We are committed to cultivating young men to lead productive and generous lives through faith, hope and love.

In Michigan, about 13,000 youth engage in foster care services each year. Many of these are ages 16+ and face mounting challenges as prospects for adoption or reunification begin to fade. These traumas lead to young men who become homeless, addicted, or incarcerated.

TimberCreek Ranch is a Mission aiming to serve at-risk-young-men ages 18-24 who are either aging out of foster care or are struggling with homelessness, and mild substance abuse. The 80+ acres of gorgeous land that our residences preside on were built 15 years ago to make a difference in the lives of young men.

We truly believe that with the love of God, the faith in His saving grace, and the hope and strength of our staff and community partners, we can play a part in cultivating a brand-new life for all who come here.

Our Services -
Housing - Residents stay in one of our beautiful residential homes.
Training - We provide vocational training, life skills and educational services.
Spiritual Formation - We offer daily devotions and prayer. We believe Jesus Christ is the Foundation for a successful life.

Our Values - G.R.I.T.

Grace - We forgive quickly, and exhibit tolerance, patience and kindness when we disagree.

Refuge - We are committed to making TCR a safe place for all people. We love all people equally and embrace diversity.

Integrity - We believe integrity isn't what you do when people are watching, it is what you do when they aren't.

Truth - We believe honesty is the best policy. We tell the truth, even when it is difficult.

For more information please go to
Notarás que TimberCreek Ranch tiene agregaron regalos de Wayfair, Best Buy, and Bed Bath & Beyond. Esa es la belleza de tener lista de deseos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
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