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Hope Services — Life Skills center

We're having a building!

Hope Services fosters independence for people living with disabilities and members of the community by providing life skills, vocational training, and employment services. We have recently broken ground on our Life Skills and Vocational Training Center where youth and adults will be offered training and nationally recognized certifications in culinary arts/food safety, construction, customer service/retail, hospitality, computers/technology, and GED. By providing our clients with these necessary skills and certifications, they will be able to earn higher wages, find sustainable careers, and set a solid foundation for self-sufficiency, as many of the lessons they will learn are transferrable to independent living.

We are grateful for your community-minded support in helping us (quite literally!) lay the groundwork for growth.

Thank you - Hope Services
Notarás que Hope Services tiene agregaron regalos de Amazon, Lowes, and Walmart. Esa es la belleza de tener lista de deseos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
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