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GiGi's Playhouse — Sacramento

jueves, marzo 21, 2024
GiGi's Playhouse Sacramento opened its doors on May 16, 2021 thanks to your generosity and support. GiGi's Playhouse is 100% funded by donations, sponsorships, and grants, and 99% volunteer-run. We greatly appreciate the outpouring of support of our family, friends, and the community, and we greatly enjoyed celebrating with all of you at our Grand Opening!

If you already have any items that are similar to those featured on the registry and would like to arrange to donate them, please contact us at We are more than happy to take gently-used items off your hands; we will arrange for pick-up, or if you'd like to drop off at the Playhouse, we'd love to give you a tour.

Again, thank you for your generosity - we truly could not do this without you!

See you at the Playhouse!

xo, the GiGi's Board of Managers
Notarás que GiGi's Playhouse tiene agregaron regalos de Amazon, Costco, Lowes, and Target. Esa es la belleza de tener lista de deseos ¡En nuestros miembros pueden agregar artículos de literalmente cualquier tienda!
Para hacer una contribución, haz clic en VER O COMPRAR debajo de cualquier artículo, y no te preocupes si eres redirigido a otro sitio. ¡Sólo pon el artículo en tu carrito y compruébalo!
¿Necesitas ayuda? Contacte con nosotros 7 días a la semana a través de chat en vivo o llamando a 201.886.1000