Welcome to the Gift List of

Extra Mile Pediatrics

At Extra Mile Pediatrics our mission is to provide repeated pediatric care to communities that face significant barriers to receiving treatment in Guatemala and El Salvador. Our unique approach ensures that the communities we serve experience a lasting impact. With the help of our services, hundreds of children receive recurring medical care each year. The preventative care and habits we promote and teach now will solidify healthier practices for years to come. Creating positive change happens by performing comprehensive care while simultaneously developing long-term solutions. Most of the medications we use for patients are purchased locally in their home countries. Our wish list shows items that we have to purchase here and take with us. Your support in providing us with those items creates a huge impact that we are incredibly grateful for! Thank you so much for supporting our cause! Without you and your support none of this would be possible!
You’ll notice that Extra Mile Pediatrics has added items from Amazon, Costco, and Walmart. That’s the beauty of having wish list at MyRegistry.com—our members can add items from literally any store!
To make a contribution, click VIEW OR BUY beneath any item, and don't worry if you're redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
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