Create the Best Wedding Gift List in India

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Get exactly what you desire for your wedding! Add gifts from any site or store that ships right to you. To get started, all you need is a FREE MyRegistry account. Sign up now!

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Create a Registry

Add gifts to your Universal Wedding Gift List with our exclusive Add to Button or mobile app.

Hello, soon-to-be Brides and Grooms! Searching for the perfect place to keep track of your wedding gift list? is your dream come true. Combine any item from any retailer onto one convenient gift list with just a few clicks.
5 reasons you’ll LOVE using

Add gifts from any online store

It's easy! You just put the "Add to MyRegistry" Button on your browser’s bookmarks bar. When you find an item you want online, just click the button to add the gift to your Universal Wedding Registry! LEARN MORE

Top stores for gift inspiration:

Link your existing Wedding Gift Lists

Already created a Wedding Gift List with Amazon or another of your favourite retailers? Link it at so you can manage all your gifts on one convenient list.

Easily announce & share your gift list

Send eCards directly to your guests announcing your Wedding Gift List—or let friends or family do it for you. You can also customise your gift list URL, share your gift list to all your social networks, or go the traditional route by downloading and printing beautiful gift list announcements.

Update your list anytime, anywhere

Whether you're at home or on the go, you can add to, organise, and manage your Wedding Gift List from any device.

Chat with us online

Sometimes you might need a little help or advice. Our Concierge Team provides personalised service to help you get every aspect of your gift list perfect. We’re available via Live Chat 7 days a week. (Oh, and your guests? They can chat with us, too. We’re always happy to help!)