Welcome to the Gift List of
SC Juniors Project Angel Tree
Friday, November 15, 2024
Each year, the San Clemente Junior Woman’s Club hosts a series of Angel Trees throughout the community of San Clemente. This year we are sponsoring individualized gifts that benefit the San Clemente Boys & Girls Club and San Clemente Seniors. To ensure all gifts are fulfilled on time this year, please select a gift or gift card from our wish list to be shipped to our SCJWC Angel Tree Coordinator, Candice Middleton, at Kappauf Insurance 1908 S El Camino Real, Suite H, San Clemente, CA 92672. Please choose to have the gifts wrapped by the store when possible.
We will also be hosting live Angel Trees at the Community Center and the Aquatics Center. All purchased gifts, whether off the wish list or off the tree may also be dropped off at those two location as well.
You also have the option to purchase elsewhere just select the "Buying this gift elsewhere?" option to mark as purchased for our records. Additionally, we are accepting donations online via PayPal to help us purchase remaining and unreturned gifts through our angel tree page:
The San Clemente Junior Woman's Club is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization under the CFWC Group Exemption and your donation may be eligible for a Federal Tax Deduction. General ID No. 8288 Tax ID #95-6282734 Bus ID #003654
At MyRegistry.com, gifts can be added from literally anywhere.
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