Welcome to the Baby Registry of

Matt Peterse Sara Peterse

Saturday, January 27, 2024
Hi there, thanks for visiting our baby registry!

Feel free to buy from whichever store is best for you. For the items that we favorited we would prefer that specific style or model, but for the others we are happy to have whatever you pick out.

Shoutout to the parents, if there was an item that was a game-changer for you please let us know!

Finally, we are so excited to share in this experience with all of our family and friends. Please feel no pressure to buy from the list. In the end it's just stuff and what we will really value is the moments and memories to come!

Matt & Sara
You’ll notice that Matt & Sara have added items from Amazon, Target, keababies.com, and Baby Tula. That’s the beauty of having a registry at MyRegistry.com—our members can add items from literally any store!
Spot something nice? Click BUY THIS GIFT, and don’t worry if you’re redirected to another site. Just put the item in your cart and check out!
Need help? Reach us 7 days a week via Live Chat or by calling 201.886.1000